Wednesday, 9 December 2009


So i've been pretty slack on here as of late due to partying hard, and uni.
Its nearly Christmas which meant i had to have something to show for it and the end of my semseter.
I had an open studio exhibition and the following is just some pieces I have been working on.

Sorry apex

I did this wall drawing when i first moves into my new house thinking they were going to paint my room, they never did therefore this is still here.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

New York state of mind

So i was my birthday last week and i went to NYC to celebrate it
I just took a few sneaky pics on my phone, waiting on the medium formats to be printed and then i'll get them up

Sunday, 8 November 2009

I've Been Gone A Long Time

and still no new work to put up, uni's been a nightmare
but i found these in my emails, just some photo's i took for some studio work last year.



Sunday, 4 October 2009

It's been awhile..

I went back to uni last week which means i've had little time to update between uni's already stupid workload and working in general
but i have been doing bits and bobs inbetween and will be updating soon as.
I have a lot of new ideas and a lot of screen prints in preparations so hopefully in a few weeks i will have some great things to put on here.
Anyway time to cuddle up in bed with Cocorosie

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

This is the earliest i've been up in months! And i'm feeling pretty good considering.  The reason for this early bird rising is so that i can go support my friend Rea as she gets her foot tattooed.  I think we're both hyped as we've already started partying and doing destinys child kareoke.
Song thats got me moving this morning is

Sunday, 13 September 2009

5.29 still no sleep tonight

If i could make it to 5.55 i could be the Charlotte Gainsburg song
however i am beginning to hallucinate, for some reason when i don't sleep i think i see spiders everywhere, its not pleasant so i think i might give sleeping a go.  Besides my punctuation is terrible with lack of sleep and that is something I cannot abide by
To get me there I am going to listen to this beautiful song, which just always puts things in prospective for me.

life and death and all things inbetween

I am currently undertaking a new project called life and death and all things inbetween, these will be a series of drawings and collages focusing on well... life and death and all things inbetween.  So basically a whole spectrum of everyday and not so everyday things.
I have a good idea of where i want this project to go however as a starting point here are some drawings for basic ideas to be developed upon

where do i start? where do i begin?

Just a few pictures shot on my Diane.  This would be the scene from my bedroom window on evening.  Unfortunately leeds or rather where i live, doesn't offer the most beautiful of locations to shoot, but these i like.  They capture a good dreamlike atmosphere.

5.03, no sleep tonight

Maybe its because ive managed to sleep 22 hours this weekend or maybe its just because i've forgotten how to swtich off but i cannot sleep tonight.  In a way its good because it has made me finish up some projects i either started long ago or just today.

I realised today that i am a lazy artist, i don't so much rush to get pieces done but i do not spend extra time perfecting my work, i feel like i should think this a weakness and in a way it is because sometimes my work is not to the standard i could produce but at the same time, just drawing on impluse without thinking is liberating and sometimes comes up with some interesting results.  The following pieces of work are such rushed pieces.  Maybe this insmonia and need to impulsively draw are connected perhaps when i can sleep again i will go back to more deatiled and time consuming ways of drawing.
Until then enjoy


this could be one of the most rediculous pieces of work i've ever done.  Unfortunately some of its been cut off, i will rephotograph it when i get a new camera.

 'someone draw me a bear in a fez' 5mins later this is what i did for my friend Greg