Sunday, 20 September 2009

Friday, 18 September 2009

This is the earliest i've been up in months! And i'm feeling pretty good considering.  The reason for this early bird rising is so that i can go support my friend Rea as she gets her foot tattooed.  I think we're both hyped as we've already started partying and doing destinys child kareoke.
Song thats got me moving this morning is

Sunday, 13 September 2009

5.29 still no sleep tonight

If i could make it to 5.55 i could be the Charlotte Gainsburg song
however i am beginning to hallucinate, for some reason when i don't sleep i think i see spiders everywhere, its not pleasant so i think i might give sleeping a go.  Besides my punctuation is terrible with lack of sleep and that is something I cannot abide by
To get me there I am going to listen to this beautiful song, which just always puts things in prospective for me.

life and death and all things inbetween

I am currently undertaking a new project called life and death and all things inbetween, these will be a series of drawings and collages focusing on well... life and death and all things inbetween.  So basically a whole spectrum of everyday and not so everyday things.
I have a good idea of where i want this project to go however as a starting point here are some drawings for basic ideas to be developed upon

where do i start? where do i begin?

Just a few pictures shot on my Diane.  This would be the scene from my bedroom window on evening.  Unfortunately leeds or rather where i live, doesn't offer the most beautiful of locations to shoot, but these i like.  They capture a good dreamlike atmosphere.

5.03, no sleep tonight

Maybe its because ive managed to sleep 22 hours this weekend or maybe its just because i've forgotten how to swtich off but i cannot sleep tonight.  In a way its good because it has made me finish up some projects i either started long ago or just today.

I realised today that i am a lazy artist, i don't so much rush to get pieces done but i do not spend extra time perfecting my work, i feel like i should think this a weakness and in a way it is because sometimes my work is not to the standard i could produce but at the same time, just drawing on impluse without thinking is liberating and sometimes comes up with some interesting results.  The following pieces of work are such rushed pieces.  Maybe this insmonia and need to impulsively draw are connected perhaps when i can sleep again i will go back to more deatiled and time consuming ways of drawing.
Until then enjoy


this could be one of the most rediculous pieces of work i've ever done.  Unfortunately some of its been cut off, i will rephotograph it when i get a new camera.

 'someone draw me a bear in a fez' 5mins later this is what i did for my friend Greg

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Your looking at me like i just finger banged your cat

After an all nighter i felt the only way to recover was to sit in the park with my mate and lie for a long period of time.
Somehow managed to muster the strength to take some photo's. Nothing spesh but here we go.

the few pic we had from the gig the night before, i'd say who was good and who wasn't but i remember so little.  All i remember is joker, and possibly Tomb Crew.  Great night though.

Sunday, 6 September 2009


My quiet night in last night didn't happen instead i am currenty still dying on my sofa trying to piece together last night.
Speaking of dying...
this is deffinately my tune of the day, and this video is magnificent.

Friday, 4 September 2009

I <3 CEX

So i'm predicting that with my night off tomorrow its going to be a quiet once, so anticipating this i thought i'd pop to town and get some new DVDs to add to the already rediculously large selection i have.  I refuse to spend over £10 for dvds these days unless theyre really worth it so i went to CEX. Which could just be my new favouritw shop, needless to say i came out with about 9 DVDs but the bargain of the day has to go to The Wackness! for £3!!!!!!
So chuffed with this purchase, it's one of my favourite films, the sound track, the vibe, the characters, make this film so so so good.  Luke Shapiro could be the love of my life.
I haven't read the book but intend to if the films good the book can only be better.
So as a tribute to The Wackness and early 90's hip hop; song of the day is

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Hopeless Feathers

Turns out unpacking things is alot more handy than just routing through boxes for things because today i found the accompying picture to the owl sketch from the Ted Hughes pictures.
The scanners missed half of it off but with no camera this is the only way i can get it up.

I also had a very productive day making some t shirts/getting very light headed off spraypaint and bleach.
However again without the use of a camerea i can't show it properly but i have scanned in as much as i can.  The t shirt is a size small and say Ray Gun = Way Fun along the top and 4 more years at the bottom right.
I'm not going to explain the t shirt however as I said I'm feeling the 80's punk today so maybe Reagan Youth had some influence over the drawing...

It looks less crude on but this scanner holds no prisoners, i basically used spray paint and fabric pens.  I might consider refining it and making a screen print out of it when i get back to uni.

The Rat Cage

For anyone who knows me they will tell you that I am the biggest Beastie Boys fan they know.  This is something i am very proud of, I am obsessed with this band, from their early punk work to now i have it and love it all.
So i was cruising youtube this morning and came across this little gem from back in 1985.  Honestly my style icons right here, and my crush on Ad Rock just grew to a new level after watching this video.
I was really gutted to hear about the pushback of their new album and tour and really sad to hear about MCA's cancerous tumour.  I hope he gets better soon and will back to what he does best in no time.
Now watch this.

I'm feeling an 80's punk vibe today
Therefore song of the day goes to....

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Last Days of Nietzche


Collectively Dancing in a Gang with a Panda

Animal Collective recently played in london, for which I endured a 7 hour and 36 minute journey in the hottest coach known to man down to see them but it was so beyond worth it.
Gang Gang Dance supported and i honestly thought that when Animal Collective came on they wouldnt be able to top them.  Beginning with Vaccum which is one of my favourite tracks and following with house jam amongst others Liz Bougatsos, has a great and mesmorizing stage presence that from the first bang on the drums a shiver went through every essence of me and i knew this would be no ordianary gig.
So when Animal Collective came on, my mind was literally blown starting with Grace and moving to My Girls the synths and echoing and haunting voice of Panda Bear And AV Tar honetly took me to another dimmension.  For any one who missed the gig, missed out on an estorteric wonder.

But the main reason behind this post is not to brag about how amazing the gig was but to brag about a little vinyl which has been warmly welcomed to my collection Panda Bear's "Person Pitch" LP.
Panda Bear being one part of Animal Collective; I was obviously going to like it but this LP is beautiful, quirky and wonderful in ways i never expected.
Standout tracks for me..well its hard to say but the epic 'Bro's' and the equally if not more so epic Good Girl/Carrots which contains a sample of Kraftwerk's "Ananas Symphonie" that weaves beautifully within the track.
I'm afraid reviewing things is not a forte of mine, i'm more of a try it for yourself kind of person so with that said i say pick up this vinyl if you can, its pretty hard to come by in shops but i'm sure is available online.

Even the artwork is amazing!

The Waiting Game

I love my Diane F+, I really do.  It's just shame not enough people do and therefore I have to wait 2 weeks for my films to be developed, I feel like i'm 3 again on christmas eve, too excited and tense with apprehension waiting for Father Christmas to come and drop off the presents.  I wish a bearded man would drop off my photo's for me, preferably not through our chimmney though.

In the mean time however enjoy some pictures from my fisheye!

Song of the day

I've been waking up to this song for weeks now, and every morning/afternoon i wake up with a smile.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Tribute to Ted Hughes

I am a massive bookworm, if i'm not drawing i'm reading, I don't want to go into how amazing books are because i really will be here all night, however i recently dusted off my copy of Ted Hughes 'New Selected Poems 1957-1994'
Now i'm not a massive poetry buff, and this book took me many weeks to finish, I find it impossible to read a poetry book all at once, you loose the true magic behind one poem by pursuing the next one without true reflection.  However Ted Hughes was fantastic just the titles of his poems have such grace and curiousity about them.  Inspired by what i read i did a series of drawings based on lines or my ideas behind his poems.

The first is from the poem 'Kafka'

And he is an owl
He is an owl, 'Man' tattooed in his armpit
Under the broken wing
(Stunned by the wall of glare, he fell here)
Under the broken wing of huge shadow that twitches
   across the floor.
He is a man in hopeless feathers

I have two pieces from this poem one is below the other i will put up at a later date as it is still yet to be unpacked to my new house.
Deffinately not my usual style and certainly not like the accompying image but there you go.
The following is taken from 'The Man Seeking Experience Enquires His Way of a Drop of Water'
The poem is really quite long so i'm not going to write it all out just the passge the exerts from
So he spoke, aloud, grandly, then stood
For an answer, knowing his own nature al
Droplet-kin, sisters and brothers of lymph and blood,
Listened for himself to speak for the drop's self.
This droplet was clear simple water still.
It no more responded than the hour-old child


The ends of this are cut off but it says 'Enough Sleep'
This is inspired by two seperate poems, the first being 'Memory' and the other 'Still Life'
Keeping to my true nature (laziness) i'm obviously not going to write them both out, but strongly suggest that you check them out, I will however highlight the key lines which inspired this piece
'Hands of light, hands of light
Wash the writhing darkness
taken from Memory
The old man's blood had spoken the word 'Enough.'....
Whose blood had said: 'Sleep.'
Taken from 'Still life'

The end result of 1893465320 hours of travel

Not really sure what the purpose of this blog is other than to just pass time and hopefully give me the air of productivity, but as i do art at university and well, have been drawing since i have been old enough to hold a pencil i feel i might as well share some of my artwork. My personal work is mostly illustrations, i only ever use pencil, pen and indian ink and either brown paper or anything i find that can be drawn on.
At university I focus more on printmaking and the occasional sculpture and that work is more abstract.  However i am yet to pick up any artwork i have made over the 2 years there so that will probably never be seen, or found for that matter.  Perhaps this year i will remember to go get it and have some evidence of attending university.
The ones featured here are just little sketches that i do when i'm on the road.  As i get itchy feet on a regular basis i hop the train/coach/bus (sometimes i just use my feet) and take this sketch book with me.
The majority of these pictures have been kindly took out of this sketchbook and kidnapped by friends so there are very few left in my possession, and the ones that are aren't my best work but regardless i find they have some charm about them.

I have a lot of large scale art work but sadly despite having 6 cameras the 1 digital camera i have has decided to tease me and turn on and turn itself off again when i want to take a photo so until i buy a new digital (which is never going to happen, i'm a lover of wet photography) they will remain unobserved in the digital world.  And if your wondering why i don't just use one of the other 5 camera's the answer dear reader is i am a poor student who doesn't have access to the equipment to develop them myself and also doesn't have access to a money tree to go get such things developed....unfortunately.

But enough! These ramblings have gone on too long and i fear i have bigged these up far to much for what they are

Yes i have noticed i have a thing for mouths, hands and third eyes


hi·a·tus (h-ts)
n. pl. hi·a·tus·es or hiatus
1. A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break: "We are likely to be disconcerted by . . . hiatuses of thought" (Edmund Wilson).
2. Linguistics A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive.
3. Anatomy A separation, aperture, fissure, or short passage in an organ or body part.
4. Charlottes' complete lack of commitment to anything. Even for me this was weak!
So i was maybe being adventurous with 2 weeks, lets try 6months on and im finally doing another post. However in my defence i have been busy doing things, which no doubt would of been great to add to this blog but never mind, for here on out im a changed girl.......

or not.