Tuesday 1 September 2009

The end result of 1893465320 hours of travel

Not really sure what the purpose of this blog is other than to just pass time and hopefully give me the air of productivity, but as i do art at university and well, have been drawing since i have been old enough to hold a pencil i feel i might as well share some of my artwork. My personal work is mostly illustrations, i only ever use pencil, pen and indian ink and either brown paper or anything i find that can be drawn on.
At university I focus more on printmaking and the occasional sculpture and that work is more abstract.  However i am yet to pick up any artwork i have made over the 2 years there so that will probably never be seen, or found for that matter.  Perhaps this year i will remember to go get it and have some evidence of attending university.
The ones featured here are just little sketches that i do when i'm on the road.  As i get itchy feet on a regular basis i hop the train/coach/bus (sometimes i just use my feet) and take this sketch book with me.
The majority of these pictures have been kindly took out of this sketchbook and kidnapped by friends so there are very few left in my possession, and the ones that are aren't my best work but regardless i find they have some charm about them.

I have a lot of large scale art work but sadly despite having 6 cameras the 1 digital camera i have has decided to tease me and turn on and turn itself off again when i want to take a photo so until i buy a new digital (which is never going to happen, i'm a lover of wet photography) they will remain unobserved in the digital world.  And if your wondering why i don't just use one of the other 5 camera's the answer dear reader is i am a poor student who doesn't have access to the equipment to develop them myself and also doesn't have access to a money tree to go get such things developed....unfortunately.

But enough! These ramblings have gone on too long and i fear i have bigged these up far to much for what they are

Yes i have noticed i have a thing for mouths, hands and third eyes

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